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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

  1. Church & Worship
  2. Admisson to Communion

In Year 4, Pupils are introduced to an additional RE unit based upon 'Admission to Communion'.

This is a seven-week course designed to introduce children to the Eucharist and develop their understanding of this special Christian tradition. It is structured to follow the pattern of the Common Worship Eucharistic liturgy. Each week the themes are introduced through an afternoon half-hour session, and consolidated through home worksheets. Half of the worksheets are designed for children to do themselves, and half involving the family. This is to enable conversations and understanding at home so that the children may be supported in their decision-making in admission to Communion.

Those children/families deciding upon taking up the offer of 'Admission to Communion' will be invited to a special service at a later date to enable them to receive Communion.

Please note that pupils must have consent from their parents to continue on the journey to be admitted into Communion.

At the end of this unit, all pupils are invited to a day at Foxhill Spiritual Retreat where they undertake a celebration of its completion and to consolidate their learning.

Congratulations  to Henry and Alice who are our  latest pupils to be admitted to Communion. We’re so very proud of you and we were honoured to join you and your families on this very special occasion.