Latest News
Year 3 News
- Y3 have been practising their class worship for tomorrow.
- The Y3 class will be leading collective worship on 12.12.24 and parents and families are invited.
Spring Term 2025
A huge welcome back after the Christmas break to all Year 3 pupils and families.
We're looking forward to an exciting term ahead!
Swettenham Church Plough Service
Safer Internet Day
World Book day
Red Nose Day
Stage production of the Wizard of Oz - here in School!
Lot's of learning...
and much more!
This term, Year three will be exploring maps/atlas' and taking a closer look at the geographical features of the UK.
In Spring 2 we will go on to learn about Ancient Egypt and link this to our class texts 'Egyptian Cinderella' and 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx.'
Year three will be exploring acrylic and water colour paints in our Chromatic art unit.
We will be completing our Dancing Robot Computing unit to move on to Online/internet safety.
In Science we will be brushing up on our investigative skills whilst learning about Rocks, Fossils, Soils and Light.
Homework using Emile will be set weekly for Maths and English. The children will be awarded coins for completing it on Emile.
Children can also access timetables games as well as other activities on Emile.
You can download the Emile Education app for this.