Spring Term 2025
This term our topic is based on Greece where we will be looking at Geographical features and comparing them to where we live in Cheshire. In Maths we will be focusing on our multiplication skills and quick recall of multiplication and division facts. In RE we will looking at why do Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. In Art we are working with colour and chromatography in our artwork. Our English text to start with is Charlie and the chocolate factory. We are very excited about this as it is one of our favourite books in the class.
I have set home learning on Seesaw and Emile for today - these include maths, English from yesterday, reading and spelling.
You might also want to have a go at the links below too for some fun activities.
I look forward to seeing your work.
Mrs Wood
All home learning is available on both Seesaw and Emile for today. I've set maths, English, spelling and reading for you to have a go at. I'll be checking in on Seesaw throughout the day so let me know if you've been doing anything else too as I'd love to hear about it. Stay Warm!
https://www.youtube.com/c/RobBiddulph72/videos We have been drawing with pens and adding colour in art. This website is great for tutorials to draw lots of different things.
https://mathsbot.com/starters/quickQuestions - This will take you to a page on MathsBot so you can design your own maths quick questions game.
Mrs Wood
Our new text for English is Charlie and the chocolate factory. I know the class are very excited about this. As we will be writing a diary entry for this unit or work, I would like the children to read the text and then identify the features of a recount diary entry.
Welcome back Year 4.
I hope you all enjoyed your summer holidays! This term we are learning about the Romans. In English we will focusing on the place value of punctuation and grammar. In maths we will be learning place value and addition and subtraction. Our science topics are animals and states of matter. Our RE topic is focused on what values we consider important in God's Big Story. In art we will be drawing and sketching and in music we are signing Mamma Mia as well as choosing a Harvest Song to share with you all!
Homework using Emile will be set weekly for Maths and English. The children will awarded coins for completing it on Emile.
Children can also access timetables games as well as other activities on Emile.
Swimming for the Autumn term starts on Friday 20th September and ends on Friday 13th December.