Latest News
Year 2 News
- This week saw another successful Christian Values Day at Marton. We explored our school value ‘Justice’ through the important topic of Climate Change.
- Thank you to those that have already given a harvest donation.
Spring Term
What a start to the new year!
After a really confusing start to the term with the snow and school closures, we are getting back in to the swing of things.
We will be working towards writing a set of instructions on how to become a mighty explorer. We will be looking at the features and how to use all our wonderful subject and verb knowledge.
In Maths, we have started off with money. This is a crucial topic for all children and is something that we would really love your help at home with. Please do not be shy to get out the coins and notes and help your children with this topic.
We are continuing to use Little Wandle and have begun our journey on becoming better spellers. Please see the Little Wandle website here if you want any initial support with these.
We use White Rose Maths and we'll start this term with work on Place Value, ensuring that we are confident with using numbers to 100. We will then move on to some Addition and Subtraction, followed by work on Shape at the end of the term. We will also be having a focus on telling the time across the term.
In History we will be looking at a local study of Manchester and the Cotton Mills. We will be looking at how and why Manchester became such an important destination for the mills.
The children will have PE on Thursday afternoon. The children will be outside as much as possible this term because we love using the amazing space that we have here at Marton. Please make sure that your child has a coat in school and the correct PE kit for Thursday. If there are any changes to PE or if the children will need PE kit on any additional days, I will let you know.
Meet the Teacher
Please find the slides from Meet the Teacher below.