Governors play a key role in a school’s long term strategic development.
There are three core functions to be responsible for, which governors undertake:
- Clarity of vision, ethos, strategic direction and meeting statutory duties.
- Holding the headteacher and senior leaders to account for the educational performance of the pupils and the effective and efficient performance of the staff.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school ensuring that value for money is achieved and that pupil premium monies are used effectively having a measurable impact for the pupils concerned.
- In addition, in a Voluntary Aided school the governors are responsible for the admissions and are the employer of the staff.
The governing body is composed of governors appointed by the various stakeholders - the Diocese, Local Authority, Parents and Staff who serve for a term of four years. At Marton and District all governors undertake to attend at least three training courses each year . All meetings are clerked by a professional independent clerk.
At Marton and District the governing body operates through a committee system. The main committees are Curriculum, Management and Foundation. In addition other committees address Head Teacher Performance Management and Admissions . These committees meet at least once a term and report to the Full Governing Body who meet termly.
Chair of Governors: Mrs Sue Furness
Chair of Curriculum: Mrs Katie Worlock
Chair of Management: Mr Pete Webborn
Chair of Foundation: Mrs Sue Furness