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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

  1. Curriculum & Classes
  2. P.E.

At Marton Primary School we recognise the importance Physical Education (PE) plays in the curriculum and are committed to providing all children with opportunities to engage fully in PE. PE should provide opportunities for all pupils to become physically literate and confident in a way which also supports their health and fitness. Children should acquire not only physical skills, knowledge and understanding, but also the awareness and importance of leading healthy, active lives as well as the values of sportsmanship, fairness and respect through the sports and activities they undertake.


Our Christian vision of ‘Sow, Nurture, Grow’ ensures that all our pupils experience engaging activities in Physical Education that contribute to pupils becoming active learners.

We sow by introducing students to a variety of physical activities and sports, planting the seeds of interest and skill development.

We nurture their developing talents and love for sport by providing guidance, support and encouragement as students explore different activities, helping them develop their abilities and confidence. We also aim to nurture their understanding of the importance of teamwork and co-operation whilst helping to nurture their emotions when dealing with both success and loss.

We grow by tracking progress, celebrating success and fostering a lifelong commitment to physical fitness and well-being, allowing students to flourish and reach their full potential.

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6