Science in school reflects our Christian ethos, we believe that by teaching the children to explore Science through our core values of Agape, Communion and Justice, that they are able to ask questions and to understand the world that we live in. Through the value of Agape, children understand how to appreciate and care for God’s creation. Through Communion, the children learn how to work together as a team and through Justice, the children learn about fairness.
Our Christian vision and values remain a central part of our school’s culture and ethos and are reflected in our Science curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to Sow the seed of inquiring minds, enabling children to ask questions and to wonder about our universe. As staff and as a community we nurture the children through the process of discovery. The children then grow through understanding and go out in to the world knowing how and why science is crucial to us all and how we can build sustainability in to our everyday life.
Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. (Psalm 111:2 (NIV)