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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    23 October 2020 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    Half term already! This week several exciting things have happened; our Year 6 took part in Bikeability sessions and their behaviour was excellent! We all felt so incredibly proud of the way they conducted themselves. On Wednesday the whole school took part in a ‘play day’ and used all the great playground resources we have recently bought the children. I think the staff also enjoyed the large skipping ropes most of all although a few of us felt rather sore on Thursday! Many thanks to those parents who were able to join us via Zoom this morning for Parent’s Surgery too. Further information will be added to the app shortly about our meeting this morning.


    We will be welcoming new staff to Marton after half term; Mrs Laird will join us to work alongside Mrs Bedford before she leaves us school on 20th November and Miss Andrews will work as a teaching assistant across the school. Please don’t forget if you would like to contribute to Mrs Bedford’s leaving gift to send any envelopes into school, thank you.


    We returned in September to working alongside new providers – ASM who have shown us just what quality provision we are now accessing and offering your children. We have all been so impressed by the new sports coaches and consider ASM ‘s involvement so professional and supportive. I am therefore thrilled that they are able to offer holiday club next week for families, They will be on site on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and Kieran will be their lead coach.


    Footprints are now established at school and it is a great delight to see and hear so many lovely little people enjoying our wonderful environment and to have this new partnership on site.


    Massive thanks to Jess and Rachel @ MADHouse who have; worked so hard to ensure wrap around care was in situ for parents, have liaised with families, sourced equipment, undertook staff training and even organised a wonderful four legged friend to the mix…not only is this an essential support to working families, its integral to the life of our school. All profits will be used to enhance the provision at school and this feels incredibly supportive.


    This has been an incredibly busy half term and we are all looking forward to a good rest over the holidays. Your children have adapted so very well to the changes we have implemented at school and it has been a pleasure to all be together. They are all ready for a rest though now!



    I’ve said this many times but I cannot thank the staff enough for the work they have done this half term! Despite many of them having their own family concerns they have remained united in wanting the very best for all your children. They have constantly worked, answering emails and texts messages way beyond the school day and working alongside them feels a great privilege. Thank you for making Marton feel like home.


    With love to you and your families for a restful half term holiday, thank you for trusting us daily, Nevin 



    Everyone back to school on Monday 2nd November