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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News


    4 January 2021 (by headmarton)


    I am devastated to be writing to you so late in the evening tonight following the PM's announcement and feel the time of this critical news must have caused you all anxiety and concern.

    You will have heard that we have now been advised that all schools are to close (apart from children of critical key workers or vulnerable children) with immediate effect and that remote learning will begin from tomorrow.

    As a Staff and Governing Board we know the time of this news will leave many of you concerned about childcare and you may be unable to keep your children at home due to your own working patterns and jobs. Although we are officially closed we will be open tomorrow (including Mad House) to support families or for those of you who wish to collect work books from school. All staff will be present in classrooms and I feel incredibly blessed and fortunate to have such a dedicated team around me enabling this to happen. From Wednesday however, school will be closed unless you are a critical key worker or your child is vulnerable and I will write with further information to you tomorrow.

    Children in receipt of free school meals will have a packed lunch prepared for them tomorrow that you will be able to collect at 12pm or we will arrange to be dropped off for you. In the coming days we will arrange shopping vouchers as we did in the previous national lockdown.

    We have spent a great deal of time discussing remote learning today and ask for your patience whilst staff upload various information and activities on Seesaw. We have revised our Remote Learning Policy and where possible will offer a ‘live’ lesson or an interaction with pupils or a pre-recorded video that is age appropriate and in keeping with curriculum learning. We do not want to overload you in anyway but offer supportive ways in which to promote online learning.

    Please rest assured that we will continue to support you and our wonderful pupils in as many ways as we can, your welfare and health are of utmost importance to us and your emails, texts, cards and support have meant so much.

    I will continue to keep you updated and thank you in advance for your understanding.

    Nevin Deakin