Year 3 Home learning5 January 2021 (by Heather Sparey (HSparey)) |
Dear Parents and Carers,
I'm sad to be in the position today where schools are closed again. I've really missed not hearing about your Christmas holidays and seeing the children today. I will of course be in school to support those children that are in school but will, of course, provide work for those that are not in school.
I have put a home learning grid on our year 3 webpage with some suggested activities. This grid supplements the daily maths and English activities I will post on Seesaw. I understand that many of you will be working from home so this may not happen all at the same time and this is ok. Please do what works best for you and your family.
I'm delighted to introduce a new face to Year 3. Mr Maynard will be working alongside me in Year 3 and will therefore be commenting on children's work on Seesaw. My aim is to supplement Seesaw work with some pre-recorded lessons to support children's learning.
I have prepared some home learning packs if you would like to collect them from school. These include a maths book for times tables practice, CGP SPaG and comprehension books. Please don't hesitate to to contact me with any queries, I know we can work together to support our children.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Heather Sparey