Message from Mrs Field - Year 25 January 2021 (by J Field (Year2)) |
Dear Parents and Carers
I'm sad to be in the position today where schools are closed again. I've missed not hearing about your Christmas holidays and seeing the children today. I will of course be in school and will provide work for those that are not in school.
I have put a home learning grid on our year 2 web page and Seesaw. I will also post daily maths and English work for the children to complete. I understand that many of you will be working from home so this may not happen all at the same time and this is ok. I will also trial some online lessons/videos later in the week. Mrs Potts and myself have prepared home learning packs to come home including lined books for daily writing, CGP books and hand writing books. This is a learning curve for us all again so please don't hesitate to to contact me for help. We've got this!!!
Many Thanks for your support
Mrs Field