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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

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01260 224482

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Message From Miss Byron

5 January 2021 (by Emma Byron (EByron))

Home Learning

To share the message from Seesaw earlier...

Hello Year 5 pupils & parents/carers!
I’m sad to be in the position today where schools are closed again. I’ve missed not hearing about your Christmas holidays and seeing the children today. I will of course be in school and will provide work for those who are not in school.
I have attached the Year 5 home learning grid to the message on Seesaw for children to complete my suggested activities as and when they can. This is also on the school website on the Year 5 class page.
On Seesaw, I will post daily maths, writing and spelling, punctuation & grammar activities for the children to complete. I understand that many of you will be working from home so this may not happen all at the same time and this is ok. I will also trial some online pre-recorded videos later in the week.
Mrs Woodmass and I have prepared work packs which include the following:
• A workbook to record any work they complete at home
• Handwriting guidelines
• A printed version of the home learning map from the Year 5 webpage
• 2 reading comprehensions
• A pencil
• A SPaG activity
• 4 maths steps
Children should already have their CGP maths and SPaG homework books with them, of which they can complete as much as they wish to. I also wish for the children to read as much as they can at home too.
If you require your child’s Seesaw home learning or Times Table Rock Stars logins again please let me know and I will sort this as soon as possible.
Many thanks for your support.
Miss Byron