Head's Up!11 June 2021 (by headmarton) |
Weekly news from Mrs Deakin
It has been an absolute pleasure to welcome everyone back to school after half term. Children have thoroughly enjoyed ASM enrichment activities and we thank ASM for being so fantastic!
I can’t believe just how tall some children have become! The sunshine and good weather makes such a difference (long may it continue). Please can I remind everyone that sun hats and sun cream (named) should be brought in daily.
You will have all received the staffing letter that was sent out this morning and we are all looking forward to our annual Move Up Morning on 22nd June. As children are not seeing other members of staff as they traditionally would (due to Covid restrictions) your new class teacher will be making extra visits to classrooms to teach them this term too. This is to alleviate any concerns or worries that children may have and so they feel supported ready for September.
Much information has been shared with you regarding Covid Rates as they continue to rise across Cheshire East. Please remain vigilant and wear masks when arriving at school. This is to keep everyone safe. In the event of a positive Covid case please continue to email myself direct head@marton.cheshire.sch.uk and/or admin@marton.cheshire.sch.uk or deputy@marton.cheshire.sch.uk
Many parents have asked about social gatherings and at this time it is very unlikely that we will be able to welcome parents into school. We are still planning to conduct Sports Day etc. internally as we can keep children in class bubbles. We remain hopeful that the guidance will change and I will continue to forward information to you.
As you will all know Kelvin our Site Maintenance Officer leaves school at the end of the summer. We will be presenting him with gifts at the end of this term, if anyone would like to donate to these please send envelopes into school by Friday 9th July. Thank you.
Have a super weekend, Nevin