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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Maths Questionnaire

    Maths Questionnaire

    27 April 2022 (by Heather Sparey (HSparey))

    Click on the weblink (or scan the QR code outside your child's classroom) to complete the form

    Dear parents and carers,

    As part of our commitment to furthering our maths provision at Marton we would like to explore your opinions about maths.  We are aware maths has changed so much since many of us were at school and we would really like to support you in understanding what those changes look like for your children.

    To help us understand how we can best support you and your child we would be grateful if you could click on the weblink below and fill in the form or scan the QR code outside your child's classroom to complete the form.  If you have more then one child in school, you can use one form for multiple children or fill out individual forms for each child.

     Many thanks,

    Heather Sparey and Lena Owen

    Maths Co-ordinators