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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Attendance and Holidays in Term Time

    Attendance and Holidays in Term Time

    21 June 2022 (by headmarton)

    A message for all families

    As I indicated in my staffing letter sent to you all on 6th June, we will be focusing on improving attendance from September. This supports the Department of Education’s (DFE) document called Working together to improve school attendance. This has been published for schools from September 2022 and subject to legislation, this guidance will then become statutory from September 2023.


    We have always supported families requesting holidays in term time for exceptional reasons and because of holiday disruptions/Covid/Families working from home have authorised many this year. However, from September, we will ONLY be authorising exceptional requests. Exceptional are events that do not happen all the time and are a complete one off. We know this will make a difference to many families but we must see an improvement in attendance post Covid as children’s learning has been severely affected.


    From September when you submit a holiday request, unless this is an exceptional occasion; we will not authorise this absence and your child’s absence will be recorded as unauthorised. As Headteacher, I authorise holidays in term time on behalf of the Governing Board and record this data for Governors in my Headteacher’s termly report. It is therefore essential that you record explicitly on the holiday form, why this event is exceptional. You are also able to add an accompanying letter/reason if you wish to support your holiday request.


    With many thanks for your continued support


    Nevin Deakin