Head’s Up!
Weekly news from Mrs Deakin
We have seen a change in the weather this week and would like children to bring a change of shoes/trainers to wear outside if this is convenient. We do try and use the outside as much as possible as we know how much our children love this!
As you will know we finish school for half term next Friday and we return to school on Monday 31st October, some Congleton schools take this day as an INSET day but we are open! The next half term is always a very busy one and we would urge you to check all school dates in our annual overview.
On Friday 21st October, ALL children will have a special ASM Combat Sports Day and children are to come dressed in PE (house coloured) kits.
Please don’t forget Parents Evening takes place on Monday 7th and Wednesday 9th November (1.30pm – 5pm) information will be sent to you all after half term to book your appointment online with class teachers.
From Monday 17th October, ParentPay will go live for our annual post-Christmas theatre trip. We are going to watch Alice in Wonderland at the New Vic Theatre on Friday 13th January. As always F & F are once again paying for all the coaches as part of their annual fundraising commitment to school and this is such a generous gift. Parents will only need to pay £14.00 for the theatre ticket. This is advance notice for January.
Best wishes for the weekend, Nevin