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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Reminder in case of bad weather/school closure

    Reminder in case of bad weather/school closure

    16 January 2023 (by headmarton)

    Posted 16.01.23

    Closing school is not an easy option and one that we are reluctant to do. Should the buses be unable to travel along School Lane, this makes our decision to close school an easy one; if buses and school transport deem the area to be unsafe we would not want parents, children and staff contemplating travelling to school. 

    We have an excellent system to keep you all informed and this is: 

    A decision is made with the bus companies (normally by 6 am) and any school notifications are added to School Jotter (and our website) to parents, informing them school is closed on that day. 


    Following this, we will contact local radio stations (Silk and Signal FM) to report school closed for their school bulletins that are made regularly. 

    Should parents need to contact M.A.D. House (before and after school club) they can be contacted on 07538227999

    Please can we encourage parents to not ring school as we cannot answer all calls in the morning and staff may not be present at school.

    If the weather deteriorates during an afternoon we will inform parents that school would more than likely be closed the next day.