PGL trip - a few reminders23 June 2023 (by Year6) |
Good afternoon,
I have shared the following reminders about our trip with the children today:
They will need a pillow and either a sleeping bag or duvet
They will need a packed lunch in a named disposable bag, separate from their suitcase/bag, which should be handed to Mrs Wilson or Mrs Woodmass on Monday morning
Travel sickness tablets to be taken before they arrive at school
ALL medicines to be named, labelled with dosage and handed to Mrs Woodmass on Monday morning
All NAMED purses / wallets / envelopes (containing up to £10) to be handed to Mrs Wilson
Suitcases / bags should be left on the turning circle near the main entrance so they can be loaded onto the bus
Children should travel in clothing that will be appropriate for our first activity as we will be doing 2 activities before we have access to dorms - leggings/joggers, tee shirts, trainers and a long sleeved top or jacket in case arms need to be covered
No electronic items
We will be leaving at 9.15am so please arrive in good time
Weather forecasts are looking hot and sunny so hats and sun cream should also be worn on Monday please
We are all looking forward to having a wonderful trip. Please keep an eye out on Twitter for photos. We will also update on school Jotter.
Many thanks,
Mrs Wilson