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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Year 6 News
    3. Y6 SATs results

    Y6 SATs results

    11 July 2023 (by Year6)

    Dear Year 6 parents, 

    The children should have brought home their SATs results today in a letter which explains the scores in a bit more detail.

    I am immensely proud of every single one of the children, their results are fantastic and, while these are not a measure of their worth, they are a demonstration of the hard work, commitment and dedication they have put in! The smiles on their faces when I shared their results with them told me that they are rightly proud of themselves too.

    Thank you to you as parents for your support and encouragement, not only of your children, but of our school. We are in the final days now, and for some of you it is the end of a long journey as part of the Marton family. I look forward to seeing you at the leavers assembly next Wednesday morning to celebrate your awesome children and say final goodbyes! Bring tissues! 

    From a very proud,

    Mrs Wilson