Weekly news from Mrs Deakin
How fantastic was Town Sports!!!! As always Team Marton made us proud; not only with their achievements but with their conduct, support and genuine love for each other. We all look forward to this event and it's a highlight of the school year. Thank you wonderful children, staff and families for being THE best!
We are fast approaching the end of the year (how fast has this year been!) and I thought you would appreciate some key dates:
Year 6 SATS results day - Tuesday 9th
Marton Ethos group visit St John's for a special day - Thursday 11th
Awards Assembly - Friday 12th
End of Year reports sent to Families - Monday 15th
SEND review Day - Tuesday 16th
Year 6 Leavers Assembly - 9.30 Thursday 18th
Year 6 Leavers Lunch - Thursday 18th
School closes for summer - Friday 19th
Best wishes for the weekend, Nevin