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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Message for Families posted 10.15am

    Message for Families posted 10.15am

    8 January 2025 (by officemarton)

    Thank you for all arriving at school this morning. All staff are in school and we even have Marton’s Little Seeds happening now – no stopping Team Marton!


    In order to support families (and driving conditions) parents/carers are welcome to collect children from 1.30pm today although school (and Mad House) will remain open. Please collect children from classroom doors as normal. Please do not arrive before 1.30pm.

    We would kindly ask you not to call the school office unless you have a change of circumstance. If there are any changes to buses we will also inform you.


    The forecast overnight indicates temperatures will be very cold tomorrow and we will review the situation and keep you all posted. If we do decide to close school; staff have prepared Remote Learning for children.


    Thank you for your patience and understanding, The weather causes chaos but Marton looks particularly beautiful!


    Nevin Deakin




    Mrs Nevin J. Deakin



    Marton and District CE Aided Primary School

    Tel: 01260 224482


    Sow Nurture Grow

    We are inspired by Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13. 31-32)