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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News
    3. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    28 February 2025 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    We were so glad to welcome everyone back to school this week after Half Term and really pleased to hear the ASM Football Day was well attended by families. ASM will be offering some dates in the Easter Holidays so please do look out for these. Although this is not a school run club, we are more than happy for them to use our school.


    This week I was invited to join the Reception class trip to a local farm and had an amazing time. This wasn’t an unknown farm but a School Family farm and we had the most wonderful time. Both the Worth and Slack Families couldn’t have been kinder to us and gave us so much of their time (and really delicious treats). We saw the newly born lambs and cows and learnt all about life on a very busy farm. Every single member of staff returned to school and admitted it was the best trip we’ve all been on. Reception children were just beautifully behaved and it felt a pleasure to be in their company.  Thank you so much Worth and Slack families for inviting us and giving us all such a special day, special thanks to Percy and Henry for being so helpful too.


    I was delighted to hear this week that Ollie in Year 6 has won a competition to be Man Utds FA cup mascot this Sunday! How absolutely fantastic is this? Please watch out for him as you will see him on the BBC leading the men’s team out.  We are SO proud of you Ollie!!


    Please don’t forget it’s World book day next Thursday (there are lots of chats happening as we all try and find out what character everyone is dressing up as!)



    Wishing you a super weekend (with Spring sunshine I hope),

    Nevin Deakin