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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. York - Minster and Chocolate story

    York - Minster and Chocolate story

    19 July 2017 (by Heather Sparey (HSparey))

    Fun fun fun -and a lot of walking!

    Another fun filled day with lovely weather. We've explored the Minster, found out all about the stained glass windows and enjoyed a beautiful reflection time in the crypt. After a yummy lunch we toured the chocolate story and tasted plenty of chocolate as well as making our own chocolate lollies. Following a pizza tea we made our own bread which will be baked and ready for our breakfast. The children have walked a lot so are very tired. They're now showered and in bed, I'm sure they'll all have a good nights sleep. I've included a photo of our walk on the walls so no-one is in the toilet this time!