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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    15 September 2017 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    Many thanks to the parents who attended Parents Surgery today. As always parents surgeries provide an opportunity for parents, carers and grandparents to come and discuss any ideas, queries they may have and we look forward to meeting you. Please see the website/app for dates and details of future meetings. I hope you are all enjoying the new improved mobile app. Many thanks to Mrs Sparey for managing this for us. We have our next PTA meeting on Tuesday 26th September, 7.30pm at the Waggon and Horses and hope to see as many parents as possible. We are so fortunate to have such a PTA and we look forward to the many exciting events this year. We have deferred the EGM that was scheduled for Monday until we have met on 26th and will then confirm this date. Please can we remind parents to NOT park in the school car park as this is for staff and for the school buses. Please can we also ask parents to be mindful of parking and driving on School Lane too. Have a super weekend.