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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Christmas fayre update

    Christmas fayre update

    11 December 2017 (by Heather Sparey (HSparey))

    from the PTA

    Firstly, a massive thank you to all those who helped, contributed and attended the fayre. A big thank you to the external stall holders (Claire, Paula & Erica) and our Santas (John & David). It was a huge success and everyone who attending looked to be really enjoying themselves. Still waiting on some expenses before we can announce the profit, however the takings from fayre were over £2600, this includes the raffle ticket sales. The raffle was a huge success and we hit the target to get an additional £750 in matched funding from Barclays (thank you Joe Norris!) The PTA will be providing refreshments and a second raffle this week at the Nativities and Concert…. Thank you on behalf of Marton PTA