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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Head's Up!

    Head's Up!

    9 February 2018 (by headmarton)

    Weekly news from Mrs Deakin

    This has been an amazing Writing week at school and we have all enjoyed the activities that have taken place. We are all very excited about the special writing assembly Mrs Field has planned for everyone next Friday too. During our last parents surgery, we discussed the number of new families at school and it was suggested that parents would appreciate some information regarding pupil numbers. We have been delighted to welcome 23 new children to school since September as these children and their families have made a great contribution to our school and we had spaces in various classes for them. We have also had a couple of families who have left Marton, these are due to house moves or distance travelled and we wish them all well for the future. School budgets are largely determined by pupil numbers and in year admissions often do not show in school budgets until the next financial year or depending when the admissions occur before termly school census days. Within our Governing body we have management governors who discuss and approve the school budget and admission is part of their remit. We hope that the recent and proposed new housing in the local area will also generate further pupil numbers for our school and will enable our school budget to increase. Please do remember the PTA disco is on Thursday 15th Feb and school closes for half term on Friday 16th. Kickstart is available during the holidays if you need childcare. Please see their website for details. Apologies for such a long message! Have a super weekend, Nevin