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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. A message for Parents and Carers

    A message for Parents and Carers

    26 March 2018 (by headmarton)

    From Gerry Handbridge..

    To all the children at Marton Primary School, At this moment I am watching BBC Sports Relief and they are talking about how important mosquito nets are to people in Uganda and other poor countries. Your cheque for £576.76 is stood up in front of me and I am saying to myself ‘Wow, didn’t you all do so well!’ So many children and their families are going to be protected from that horrible disease Malaria because you cared enough to raise money for mosquito nets. Your money has been donated with lots of love attached I am sure. I’m so looking forward to seeing the smiles of the people when I deliver your nets to them in June/July. Please pass on a big thank you to your teachers and your parents too. I will keep in touch as your nets are being delivered. Lots of love and gratitude from Gerry and the people you are helping in Uganda. (PS. I read this message out to the children this morning after Worship)