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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. More amazing children!

    More amazing children!

    23 April 2018 (by headmarton)

    ...Harrison and Vivienne Dodd

    Harrison and Vivienne were so inspired by learning about Uganda and Ellie’s recent money-raising activities that they came up with their own idea to help the cause to fight malaria. On Saturday they designed a poster to ask for donations of 50p or £1 - in exchange for a snack or a sweet/lolly - to raise money for mosquito nets. They based themselves at a busy riverside area and explained the issue to passers by who responded generously, and gave lots of encouraging support for this great campaign. The children raised £58.60 - isn't that just incredible!!!! We are all so proud of them and their hard work and thoughtfulness. Rivershack donated the snacks and were so impressed by the public response that they are considering running this campaign on a regular basis! Another wonderful start to the week!