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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Year 3 News
    3. Year 3's Circus

    Year 3's Circus

    20 March 2019 (by Heather Sparey (HSparey))

    A spectacular surprise

    As Year three came into school yesterday they were greeted with their very own circus experience!

    We are reading a new book over the next week and it is set in a circus.  To start our sessions we experienced our very own circus.  We thought about how we would feel entering the circus with our own tickets, we smelt the popcorn and candyfloss as we entered and we watched and applauded the different circus acts.

    We also had a go at training to be different circus acts, we have some impressive jugglers and the hula hooping was phenomenal!

    A great time was had by all and I'm looking forward to reading their descriptions later in the week.