Foundation Stage and KS1 - 'The big clean up’ Challenge17 May 2019 (by Sandra Bedford (Bursarmarton)) |
Our school Christian value of focus this term is justice.
This week, Foundation stage and KS1 were given a challenge...
In Key stage worship we talked about the British value of respect- respecting our environment and protecting our world.
After discussing the debate of whether McDonalds should use plastic or paper straws, we asked the children to try and come up with a solution to the problem or state their case in a letter or on a poster.
In addition, we found out that plastic stays around for 500 years!! What damage it can do in this time!! In response, We’ve challenged the children to pick up 3 pieces of plastic rubbish (with a adult) every time they visit a beach. Please send in a picture of this to school so we can add it to our display of ‘the big clean up!’
Can you meet one of the challenges?!
‘Global change starts with you!’
Good luck!