Beeston Year 214 June 2019 (by J Field (Year2)) |
Important Beeston information
Dear year 2 parents
In light of the recent weather I have checked the weather for next week. Although it will hopefully be a bit warmer, it's still going to be wet! Please make sure that your child has some wellies with them as we will be outside most of the time. They will also need a waterproof coat and if you have them, waterproof trousers. I would also suggest that they bring a set of spare clothes in case we get very wet. If your child has waterproof clothing in school for forest schools, I can ensure they bring it home on Monday evening should you need them. Please let your child and myself know if this is the case.
We are still very much looking forward to going and I know we will still have a great time despite the weather.
Many thanks for your support
Mrs Field