School Dinners - Update2 September 2019 (by Sandra Bedford (Bursarmarton)) |
Dear Parents and Carers
Following on from my previous message, due to a mix up with ParentPay, I have had to delete the menu from the system and upload the correct information.
If you had already booked meals for your child I will, in time resubmit these, ie if you have ordered gammon for this week, I will add this to the correct week.
Obviously our initial concern is that the children are all fed tomorrow. The menu for this week is week 1 and the hot choice for tomorrow is BBQ chicken fillet & savoury rice. Please contact me by email if you have ordered Hunters chicken originally and do NOT want us to provide BBQ chicken instead.
If you have not already ordered meals, please do so now.
Apologies for the mix up, hopefully just a new term glitch.
Kind Regards
Mrs Bedford