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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. F & F Meeting - Tomorrow

    F & F Meeting - Tomorrow

    30 September 2019 (by Sandra Bedford (Bursarmarton))

    Greeting to all 

    We are looking forward to our meeting on Tuesday 1st Oct at 3:45pm

    (refreshments and creche will be provided) 

    We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all new children, parents, careers and staff to our family at Marton and District CofE Primary School. As we begin an extra special year in the life of our school, celebrating our schools 50th year, we hope that we all enjoy a fantastic year.

    We enjoyed a friendly and welcoming celebration last Friday and the Friends and Family (PTA) team would like to thank everyone involved in the organising and everyone who was able to attend such a lovely event. 

    We hope that this whole year will be a year of celebration and achievement and we have a new and ambitious project to celebrate the 50th Year ! 

    Last year on top of our existing commitments. like theatre trips, Christmas parties, discos, book bags etc. Marton Friends and Family were able to purchase 8 brand new IPADs and due to the hard work of all our children and teachers, the Dragons Den enterprise initiative raised nearly £1000 towards buying new books for the school library. 

    This year we would like to go bigger, raise more and spend more on our children! 

    But we need your help ! 

    Yes, You ! 

    We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the fantastic school song available to download from ITunes and other online music stores, it can also be streamed for free on most music streaming services. Each time the song is downloaded or streamed, Marton Friends and Family receive royalties. 

    Easyfundraising is a superb partnership which has raised over £500 for Marton Friends and Family. Just select the school and set up an account, then every time you buy online from Amazon and other online stores Marton Friends and Family receive a donation. 

    We are looking forward to exciting events and experiences this year. 


    The Team