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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Reception News
    3. Reception - Thank-you

    Reception - Thank-you

    23 October 2019 (by Lena Owen (lowen))

    Good evening, 

    Just to say a very big THANK-YOU to all of you and your children for a very successful theme day. We had such fun. Our day started with a catwalk in front of the whole school and then being interviewed about who we were by Miss Copestick. The fun continued in the classroom with photo opportunities, role-play and talking about who we want to be when we grow up and why. 

    Some key quotes from the day have included: "I will never grow up!", "I will marry a prince of course' and "you can not be a pirate when you grow up (not because you are already a grown up) because you do not live near the sea". Just is to just name a few. 

    We truly love our jobs and your children are amazing. 

    Thank-you again

    Mrs Owen and Mr Shaw