Year 4, 5 and 6 Visit to Foxhill in Frodsham6 November 2019 (by Sandra Bedford (Bursarmarton)) |
We are look forward to a special school day at Foxhill, near Frodsham on Friday 15th November
Year 4, 5 and 6 children will take part in a range of carousel activities and can come dressed in ‘outdoor clothes’ as we will be using the maze and the beautiful woods during the day. Lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided for everyone.
We will however require your permission to travel on a coach as we are leaving school about 9.15am and will return by 3.30pm. Children from these classes who are not coming to Foxhill will stay at school with Year 3.
Please complete the travel permission on ParentPay by Monday 11th November, if you haven't already done so.