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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
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    3. Reception - Homework

    Reception - Homework

    7 November 2019 (by Lena Owen (lowen))

     Good afternoon, 

    If you look inside your child's homework folder you will find 2 sheets - one with 10 frog counters on and another a net for a dice. Please cut them out and make the dice and have fun with them. I do not expect the pieces back in the homework folders but please add photos to your child's Learningbook. Mr Shaw and I would love to see what they get up to. 

    Here are some ideas about what games you can play:

    • Win the most frogs. Play with a partner to roll the dice and complete the action of adding one more or take one away (one less). Keep checking how many each person has and how has the most and least.
    • Get to zero! Both players start with 5 frogs and roll the dice and complete the action - add one more or taking one away (one less)
    •  Change the dice to add 2 more or take 2 away and play the games.
    •  If your child is very keen encourage them to write the number sentence. 1 + 1 = 2 or 4-1= 3
    • The importance of these games  is to help you child use the correct mathematical language and explore completing different mathematical actions.
    • Key terms include more, less, fewer, same, equals and most.