PROPOSAL - TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF NURSERY PROVISION15 November 2019 (by Sandra Bedford (Bursarmarton)) |
To whom it may concern:
The Governors of Marton and District CE Aided would like to make a temporary arrangement to suspend the nursery provision at school from January 2020.
Historically when the nursery was established it was to serve the seven village communities and to support families needing nursery provision. The catchment of the school has significantly changed over the past 50 years, the need for a rural nursery has reduced and we have sadly seen our nursery numbers decline.
Most recently we were able to continue providing nursery education because our reception class size was small and we could effectively combine reception and nursery but that currently is not an option.
The Governors have been monitoring the nursery numbers closely and hold termly meetings to forensically look at Early Years and given that the number of families needing nursery provision is so low, Governors have made a decision to suspend the nursery on a temporary basis.
Continuing to provide a nursery would have a detrimental effect on the school budget; which in turn would impact on the education of the children currently on roll in the school. The Governors want to support single form classes and are opposed to mixed classes believing that in order to sustain the school ethos; children should be taught in single aged classes. This temporary decision has not been easy to make and is one that we hope will not be long lasting.
As an aided school, the Governors are the employers and decision makers at school and although there is no statutory consultation, seek to act rationally and follow a fair procedure.
We therefore now seek your responses to this proposal and ask you to respond by Friday 13th December. If you would like to respond, please write c/o school via letter or email to Mrs S Furness, Chair of Governors by this date. Governors will meet on this date to consider responses and as an aided school will make their decision.
Mrs S Furness - Chair of Governors & Mrs N Deakin