Foxhill house and woodlands15 November 2019 (by S Copestick (Year1)) |
Year 4-6 have had a super day out today at Foxhill. Revd Arch, Revd Naylor and team worked so hard to provide an experience day for the children to understand the meaning behind Communion, further adding meaning to our school value.
We hope the children had a great day amongst their friends today at Foxhill.
The children behaved wonderfully as usual and enjoyed a carousel of activities- walking and listening in the woods, finding their way and helping each other not get lost in the maze, making bread, learning about forgiveness, fruits of the spirit, the church, and the special practises that Christians undertake in a communion service.
This was a super RE day that was both informative and a special experience - we are very proud that our children have been given the opportunity to be reflective and take part in such a valuable experience.
Our gallery of photo's give an insight into our day - take a look!!
Please return your form, contact school or contact the vicarage if your child is interested in receiving communion in the future and you support this, or if you would like to receive any information about receiving communion - only children with parental consent will go on to do this.
Many thanks!