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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Marton Friends & Family
    3. Marton PTA 200 Club Members

    Marton PTA 200 Club Members

    13 December 2019 (by Sandra Bedford (Bursarmarton))

    Dear Marton PTA, 200 Club Member,

    For over 5 years I have had the pleasure of being the Treasurer of the Marton PTA 200 club. Each year we have raised over £600 for the PTA of which the money has been used to help the Teachers prepare the classrooms ready for the new school year. In addition, it has been the only long-standing fundraiser which has awarded cash prizes to the members.

    The last year, however, has been a personal struggle for me and I've been trying hard to find a new Treasurer, but with no success. After looking at new opportunities for fundraising for Marton PTA and speaking with the Treasurer of Marton PTA, we have very sadly decided that we are closing the 200 club with immediate effect.

    I wanted to personally thank each of our very loyal members for all your support and commitment over the years with the fundraising for the 200 club.

    The PTA (Friends and Family) have been looking at a similar type of fundraising which will hopefully be announced in the new year. We hope you will continue to support the PTA with our future fundraising.

    Please can I ask that you cancel your standing orders to the account.

    Once again Thank you for your support. 

    Ms Sally Bright
    Marton PTA 200 Club Treasurer