Reception - dates4 February 2020 (by Lena Owen (lowen)) |
Good Afternoon,
What a day! All the bears and children had such a busy time. It has been a very big adventure.
We would just like to share some key dates for your diaries.
Maths workshop at 3pm on 26th February.
World book day 5th March
Reception Class assembly at 9.10 on 20th March 2020. You are also welcome to join us for coffee and cake after the assembly.
Aliens in underpants space day on 31st March 2020. Your child will be coming into school in their brightest clothes/ face paints. You do not need to buy any additional costumes for this event.
Just wanted to let all know these as soon as possible because we fully understand how busy you all are.
Thank-you for all the support.
Any questions please just come and talk to us.
Mrs Owen and Mr Shaw