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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News


    11 February 2020 (by headmarton)

    A message from our Head GIrl

    As you may know, some of my friends and I did an assembly last week on Climate Change. This is something that really concerns me, as time is running out and we need to do something about it NOW! 


    Over the last couple of weeks, with some help from my mum and dad, I have written a letter to our local MP, urging that he and the Government act with more urgency and commitment, both in our country and internationally, to save our planet. 


    There is nothing more powerful than a child's voice and this is where we need YOUR help!  I have made a template of a letter that your children (and you) are able to sign and send off to their local MP. The plan is to get as many children sending this letter as possible so please share this with all your family and friends; it doesn't matter where they are in England, we just need to spread the message and make a difference. 


    You can access the letter on the Marton's parent Facebook group, Twitter, Instagram and the following link.



    I hope you can help me save our planet and our future.


    Maddie Goodwin Y6