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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. School News


    22 March 2020 (by headmarton)


    Many parents have been asking what are the arrangements this week but I can only stress again school is CLOSED.

    Lots of schools are asking parents to only attend the social care provision if both parents/carers are essential key workers but I haven’t. I would hope all our Marton families would already understand this and keep their children home unless absolutely ESSENTIAL.

    We will have a limited number of adults on site each day and I have planned for just this week as we may have to review this daily if I don’t have enough adults available.

    Children are to arrive at 9am with their learning or books from home. We will not be permitting parents into the building but ask for you to remain outside. Children will be signed onto a register in the foyer.

    Classrooms are closed and children will not be entering them but will remain in the hall. We will try and keep distancing between them as much as possible. Children can wear masks if they have them.

    All children (including infant aged children) will need a packed lunch unless we have contacted you to say you are eligible for school help. This is not Infant Free School Meals. There is no kitchen open at school and we cannot provide food or snacks.

    Children must be collected at 3.30pm from the main entrance.

    I cannot stress enough that closing schools is to prevent the spread of the virus. Please stay safe and at home where possible. It has been wonderful to see so many children posting their learning on Seesaw with staff responding to them.

    Keep safe, Nevin