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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Year 1 News
    3. Hi Year1! - Home learning

    Hi Year1! - Home learning

    23 March 2020 (by S Copestick (Year1))

    Year 1 families - I hope everyone is well and keeping in high spirits.

    It's been strange not seeing you all on a Monday morning but I'm also really pleased that we can still connect with each other, support each other and work as a team in true Marton style! I know that many of you will probably have questions about home learning so please see the below message.

    Home learning will look different for everyone and my advice is to spend the next few days working out what learning will look like in your house. Joel and I spent Saturday making a home school in his brothers bedroom - basically consisting of a cupboard door covered in phonics stuff and a tray full of resources – I just need to find the time to do some learning with him now! I’ve not done a time table yet as I’m not sure how it will fit in with his Dads and my work. I'm hoping a routine will come over the next couple of days. I also know some people that have already drawn up a timetable and others that plan to do what they can when they can. Its really important to find something that works for your you – everyone has different family dynamics to consider. I wish you lots of luck in working out your plan.

    I'd also like to thank you for already engaging with Seesaw - your posts have really made me smile!

    Every teacher will be interacting with their classes in a different way. I myself hope to interact with you by sending messages via the school app but also via Seesaw - setting specific learning every few days and interacting with your responses daily. Our Maths focus for this week is counting in 2's so today on Seesaw, I will be setting maths tasks in your Collins workbooks.

    Please post a picture of completed tasks and any additional ones on Seesaw - I will really look forward to seeing them.

    It's really important to keep on learning, but more important that you stay safe, healthy and happy.

    Sending you all lots of love - Miss Copestick