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Marton & District C E Aided Primary School

School Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9HD.

01260 224482

    1. News
    2. Year 6 News
    3. Y6 - Welcome to summer term home learning

    Y6 - Welcome to summer term home learning

    19 April 2020 (by Year6)

    Welcome back to home learning!

    This evening is a very unique 'back to school' feeling...

    I hope that you had a lovely Easter and are ready to get stuck back into some learning activities! You all seem happy and confident with using SeeSaw now, which is brilliant. I will be setting 3 or 4 activities each day for you on there. Have a go at as many as you can; I understand that you won't all be able to do everything, and that is absolutely fine. Please do not worry about, or apologise for, anything that you have not done.

    Tomorrow morning, I will also be uploading a new topic grid to our class page of the school website. This will have additional activities on it, which you can complete as and when you would like. If you have a go at any of these (or anything else you have discovered yourself) then please add these to SeeSaw too, as it would be lovely for me to see them.

    Many thanks

    Mrs Wilson